When Poetic Bloomings asked for its blast from the past–in Part #7–I was torn. Did the prompt of “Write about falling in love for the first time” really count for me? Did it mean a case of first recognizable love, first teen love, first adult love?
There are, after all, many kinds of love. Which kind should I write about. I finally chose the sweetest of the lot, and perhaps the purest of them all.
Always a First Time
He taught me to kiss
On muggy summer nights
Distant from family laughter,
Finding our own hilarity
Amid fireflies and tall sweet grasses.
He taught me to trust
That falling would not hurt,
Even when the ground seemed
Far away in his arms, carried
As a child in safety and strength.
He taught me to linger
On thoughts of the now
And a moment’s experience,
Knowing that now belonged
To Forever’s memories.
He taught me to remember
His heart when kisses ended
And time moved forward into
Tomorrows that tested trust
In Love’s reality and fealty.
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- Where Does Love Go When It Dies? (thoughtcatalog.com)